How to Plan Your Website Design

Are you planning to launch your own website? If yes, then this article can definitely help you in planning your website design. Today, every business, be it is small or big needs to have a website for promoting the company effectively on an online platform. Also, when you are planning to make a website then various questions, thoughts and creative things pop up in your mind, which finally ends in creating confusion. But that confusion can be solved, if you follow some basic steps, while planning your website:

Domain Name
Before planning your website, you must create a domain i.e. your website address. The name of your domain should be simple and related to the nature of your work.
Keep the Content Simple
The content of the website should be kept simple as you don't want your clients to end up in confusion. Also, the content should be written according to your customers and their interest. There should be no unwanted content, or else your audience can get annoyed.
Dividing Each Section
Rather than simple content, the information of the each section should also be divided properly. Information of the different sections should be given on different pages, so that the person does not get perplexed and can attain grasp the relevant information from the particular section.
Colour Selection
Colour can be referred as a personal image. Also, colour selection of your website plays an important part in the website design. You have to select an appropriate colour for your website, but avoid using different colour schemes for a single website as it can look abrupt. Always use single colour scheme for your website.
Use Less Flash Videos and Pictures
A good site is the one, which operates very quickly and downloads the pages fastly. This can only happen, if you use limited flash videos, pictures and graphics. But, if your website has unnecessary flash videos and pictures, it will take a lot time to open. Also, use light graphics for your website design.
Follow these simple steps while planning your website design and be sure of attracting the maximum web traffic towards it.
Mirage Internet Solutions is a leading UK based website designing company, providing web designing and web hosting services at very competitive and affordable prices in UK. Please visit our site:

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